- We Mean the Population of School District A
Careful Count Shows a Loss of at Least One Hundred Within a Few Months Batavia school district has been losing quite a large number of citizens by removal the past few months. A count discloses the fact that no less than forty-five voters have left in a very short time and several others are talking of going. Some have gone to Kansas and other states and the territories west, and others to points in Ohio, while several still remain in the county. Here is the list: Henry Lavy, David Walters, Henry Day and son to Cincinnati; Wm. Mansfield and son, Canton, O.; Harry Sellers, Cincinnati; Joshua Silcott, Indiana; Court Brown, Oliver Applegate, Chas. Pegg and son, Shep Norris, Hamer Norris, Kansas; T. D. Fitch, Troy, O.; B.W. Fitch, Kansas; William Griffis, Walnut Hills; John Lennin, Canton; James Griffith, Walnut Hills; A. M. Dimmit, Lima, O.; Oliver McGrew, Kansas; Dr. G. W. Moore and son, Cincinnati; T. B. Dustin, New York; John A. Sutton, James Robinson, Cincinnati; James Phelps, Kansas; Phillip Hoffman and son, Moscow; Lot Danbury, Montana; John Green and son, Kentucky; Elijah Cowen, Newtonsville; Joe Bamber, Cincinnati; Geo. Hunt, Dayton; Al Hulick, British Columbia; Lucien Hodges, Kansas; Dr. Harry L. Moore, Lem Lindsey, Cincinnati; Oscar Daughters, Franklin township; John Sonebreaker, Middletown; Chas. Crane, Cincinnati; Ed Hamilton, Adams county; Roman Oligee, Riverside; Harry Kahmar, Portsmouth. While we lose these citizens, who with their families will aggregate about 125 persons, the loss is partially offset by quite a number who have come in from various places. But still the strict counting of noses shows a serious loss that we hope and believe will be fully restored in a reasonable time. |